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                            da su svi oglasi bez obzira na veličinu, format i slično
                            POTPUNO BESPLATNI ! ! !

Inel Software Team



#!/usr/local/bin/perl ##-----------------------------------------------------------------## ## ## ## ## ## © Copyright Mr Lyle R Hopkins 1999. All rights reserved. No part## ## of this or any of the attached documents shall be ## ## reproduced/stored in any way whatsoever without written ## ## permission from the Copyright holder. ## ## The Copyright holder holds no responsibility for errors or ## ## omissions. No liability is assumed in any way for damages ## ## resulting from the use of this document/program. ## ## ## ## Have a nice day. ## ## ## ## ## ##-----------------------------------------------------------------## ## By Lyle Hopkins ## print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; ################################################## ######################## Define variables ################################################## $programurl = ""; ## Where this file is $displayclock = 1; ## Change to 0 not to show clock $displayday = 1; ## Change to 0 not to show day $displaydate = 1; ## Change to 0 not to show date $displayhits = 1; ## Change to 0 not to show hitcounter $besneeky = 1; ## Change to 1 to be sneeky $sneekyadd = 100; ## How many hit's to add per day if sneeky is on ## Optionals for Date $datefont = "Comic Sans MS"; $datecolour = "#000000"; $predate = "The date today is :- "; $datesize = "+1"; ## Optionals for Time $timefont = "Comic Sans MS"; $timecolour = "#000000"; $pretime = "The time now is :- "; $timesize = "+1"; ## Optionals for Day $dayfont = "Comic Sans MS"; $daycolour = "#000000"; $preday = ""; $daysize = "+1"; ## Optionals for Hitcounter $hitfont = "Comic Sans MS"; $hitcolour = "#000000"; $prehit = "Number of hits :- "; $hitsize = "+1"; ################################################## ######################## Other variables ################################################## ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); ## Get date if ($mon < 10) { $mon = "0$mon"; } if ($mday < 10) { $mday = "0$mday"; } $month = ($mon + 1); $year = $year + 1900; $date = "$month/$mday/$year"; ## Get date chop($date) if ($date =~ /\n$/); ## clean up date @months = ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); @days = ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"); ## Use $months[$mon] to get month name ## Make sure min is OK if ($min<10) { $min = 0 . $min; } ## Display time if ($displaydate) { print "
$predate $mday/$months[$mon]/$year
\n"; } if ($displayday) { print "
$preday $days[$wday]
\n"; } if ($displayclock) { print "
$pretime $hour:$min
\n"; } ## Open hits if ($displayhits) { open(INF,"hitcount.txt"); ## Open read file @numhits = ; ## Put into an array close(INF); ## Close file $numhits = join('',@numhits); chomp($numhits); ## Add hit $numhits++; ## Save hit's open(OUTF,">hitcount.txt"); ## Banner file for appending print OUTF "$numhits\n"; ## Write user fields close(OUTF); ## Close file ## Display hits print "
$prehit $numhits
\n"; } if ($besneeky) { &sneeky(); } sub sneeky { open (LASTTIME,"; close (LASTTIME); $lastday = join('',@lastday); chomp($lastday); if ($date ne $lastday) { ## Save new date open(OUTF,">sneeky.txt"); ## Banner file for appending print OUTF "$date\n"; ## Write user fields close(OUTF); ## Close file ## Open hit counter open(INF,"hitcount.txt"); ## Open read file @numhits = ; ## Put into an array close(INF); ## Close file $numhits = join('',@numhits); chomp($numhits); ## Add hits $numhits = $numhits + $sneekyadd; ## Save new hits open(OUTF,">hitcount.txt"); ## Banner file for appending print OUTF "$numhits\n"; ## Write user fields close(OUTF); ## Close file } } ## End sub

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